Remarks all 'Round!
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 01:45:56 PM
HEY GUYS!! We're so damn close to that 10k stretch goal for the dust jacket unlock, we've passed it twice today and dropped back down. BUT we have some exciting news - after a chat with Ian today, he's decided to add 5 more remarqued editions on BOTH the soft and hardcover tiers!! If you know anyone who was looking for a spot, or wanted one yourself, now's your chance!! Let's hit that stretch!!
Also, we haven't revealed the next stretch goal to the public yet, but we thought we'd sneak it into this update - we'll be giving all physical backers a SUPERSTICKER and unlocking the SUPERSHIRT as an add-on!!! Check this out:
And a little promotion for our fellow creators today:
The Shaolin Nun by JC Carter is live and funding for Issue #3! Our very own Laurie Foster is inking #2 and 3. BACK IT RIGHT HERE!!
The Buddhist nuns of the White Crane temple in China serve a single purpose: training women to fight back against the world of men. Their mission and location have been kept a secret for over two-hundred years, told by women only to other women. But now, they have sent their greatest warrior to Los Angeles. Will her dark past and feelings of unworthiness prevent her from carrying out her mission to defend the helpless? Find out in the pages of “The Shaolin Nun!”
This is an amazing, female-led, PoC-dominant, martial arts story that I think you guys will absolutely love. :)
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Sep 09, 2021 at 08:34:43 PM
Guys...we hit the second stretch goal in LESS THAN 24 HOURS. HOLY SHIT. Thank you. We don't really know what to do with ourselves except scramble to figure out more cool shit to give you for stretch goals ASAP!!
Everyone backing at a physical tier will now receive the Grumpy Rico guitar pick, featured below! The NEXT stretch goal is at $10,000 and will be a DUST JACKET for the hardcover books. PLEASE chime in and reply to this post and let us know if you think the dust jacket should be virgin with no logos on it or the same as the current cover!! Or something funky, like a black cover with a white Grumpy Ian on the front!
For today's update, we're also including a plug for our good friends at Wingless Comics - they are currently running a Kickstarter for Nightfall: The Witching Hour!
BACK IT HERE and help them hit the goal!!! Check out their EARLY BIRD TIERS!
In The Witching Hour, NIGHT has descended on the time of man. At the end of NIGHTFALL pt.2, a crimson demon rose from the depths of the ocean and sent the world into chaos. Merlin and his OUROBOROS continue gaining power as our heroes struggle to understand the depths of evil surrounding them. Will they come together in time to stop the rise of Apep, the Devourer of Worlds? With little hope on the horizon, only time will tell.
A Record-Breaker!! Holy Crap. :)
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 01:55:19 AM
Hey all!! Thank you so so so so much for backing. We're humbled and amazed at hitting not only the goal, but the first stretch goal in less than 6 hours. This is a record amount and speed for Unlikely Heroes!
In case you didn't notice, we have now unlocked the HOLOFOIL cover edition as a tier and add-on for $45 - so if you're looking to make your taste of Ian ULTRA SHINY or collect all the versions, it's there for you!!
Coming up next, at $7,500, we will unlock a custom "Grumpy Rico" Ian Richardson guitar pick for all physical backers - for those of you who aren't familiar, Ian is also a fantastic guitarist and we wanted to combine his love of music into this campaign - the pick we're sending you is even carefully selected at a gauge and color that he would use!
The first FIVE physical backers on the campaign will be receiving a special A3 Ian bonus print and anyone who backs physically in the first 24 hours and comments on the campaign will get a FANTASTIC Vampirella sticker as well!
Thank you all again from Ian and from UHS and we can't wait to get you these awesome books!